Team Truck Driving: What Are the Pros and Cons?

There are numerous benefits to team truck driving, but there are just as many drawbacks as well. While two drivers can make more miles in half the time as one driver, each driver has to sacrifice a sense of autonomy and the opportunity to drive solo.
If you’d like to know more about these team truck driving pros and cons, check out the rest of the article below.
Pros of Team Truck Driving
Two Drivers Are More Productive
When two drivers are driving in shifts, the truck can cover more miles in a day. Drivers can sleep in shifts and get more rest, ensuring they are less likely to get into an accident. Breaks will be more efficient and there will always be an extra person available to get anything done. For example, a driver can fuel up the truck while the other goes into the truck stop for food and other necessities.
Drivers Won’t Get Lonely
Also, truck drivers will not have to worry about getting lonely. Many drivers report that the hardest part of the job is all the time spent alone. Team trucking provides some much-needed company; somebody to talk to and help pass the time.
Cons of Team Truck Driving
You Are No Longer Your Own Boss
Many truck drivers enjoy the autonomy of the job; they can decide how many hours they drive, dictate their own schedules and breaks, even decide what they have for dinner. However, team truck drivers need to compromise on every level. If they do not meet on schedule, music, and food choices (even the temperature of the cab), team truck driving can quickly turn into a bumpy ride.
You Are Never Alone
Some drivers struggle to adjust to team truck driving after driving solo. Cross-country trips are a long time to be in a confined space with somebody 24/7. In addition, team drivers often spend longer on the road than solo drivers. Many drivers prefer not to spend days or weeks inside a 10×10 cab with somebody who is not compatible with them.
As you can see, there are positive and negative aspects of team truck driving. The most important thing is to ensure you are compatible with your driving partner and to ensure any compromises suit both drivers.